Whew, it’s been an amazing week!  On Monday, my contribution to a roundtable on Rachel Held Evans‘ blog went live, then my post, “Oh Honey, Come Here, I Think Your Privilege Is Showing”, was linked up as the “must -read” on Sarah Bessey’s and today that same post made RHE’s Sunday superlatives.  With all that interwebs love,  there are a lot of new subscribers to the blog.

To my faithful subscribes, thank you for your support and sharing my words with your friends.  It’s an honor to write for you and I love your stories in response to mine!

To my new subscribers,


I’m super honored and you’ve made my day.

If you’re new here, you can check out my “About Page” for links to my favorite posts.

A new feature to this community is our Facebook page.   When you “like” our Facebook page, you can enter into the conversation about posts on the blog, make blog topic requests, shout out to me, share Pinterest pins, or post funny cat video…whatevers clever!  I’m so glad to have you in this community and to talk Shalom with you in the coming weeks.

Here’s a little graphic I made about the blog…


If you haven’t subscribed, you can do so now on the right sidebar of the blog and then you can do shalom with us on a weekly basis.

Doing Shalom,


Jumping Tandem

This post is part of the Sunday Community, over at “Jumping Tandem”.  Come join us with a meaningful image and a few words!