It’s Friday, y’all! Date night is 12 hours away! But for now, I’m writing for five minutes with my new favorite community, over at, Five Minute Friday. The rules are easy:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat for pure unedited love of the written word.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in {you can grab the button code in my blog footer}
3. Go leave some comment props for the five minute artist who linked up before you {and if you love us, consider turning off word verification for the day to make it easier for folks to say howdy}
Join me? Today’s word prompt is: Afraid. Which ironically, last night I wrote about worry before the word prompt was revealed at midnight. Pretty cool, huh? Kinda like God is teaching me something… :).
Enjoy, awesome readers!
Crazy Jesus, Weren’t You Afraid?
If Jesus sat across from me this morning as I sip my coffee and let the kids indulge in some before school TV, I’d tell him he was crazy.
“Yes, Yes, you’re Lord of All, King of Kings, Savior of the World, Great Rabbi and Word Made Flesh, but you’re still crazy.
Look at your life and ministry! Championing the oppressed, upsetting men in power, teaching controversial things like, “blessed are the poor in spirit” and “take up your cross and follow me”.
Healing the ear of a man coming to take you to your very own cross. Dying for sinful me, when you yourself were perfect and blame free.
You’re crazy. We’re you afraid at all?
When the men marched towards you with anger and fear in their eyes…weren’t you afraid?
When your mama begged you to stop teaching the things that would surely get you placed on that cross…weren’t you afraid?
Sure, you’re fully God. But you’re fully man too.
And I know about being fully man! Full of humanly fears and worries. Fear of men with guns in elementary schools. Fear of planting a church no one will come to.
Hello? Type-A, oldest child over here.
Worry is my middle name.
Tell me. How is it you were able to do it all? Fearless and fierce, my Lord?”
I gulp my French vanilla coffee as He reminds me of a moment in a river.
When a Dove decended and a Voice spoke the words that filled Him with confidence before starting His dangerous ministry.
“This is my Son, in whom I’m well pleased”.
“I had my Father with me. I was never alone, nor forsaken”.
And I get it. It’s ok to be afraid, natural even, but my Heavenly Father is with me. I am not alone. I am not forsaken. I can trust in His goodness, rely on His faithfulness, and let His Voice fill me with peace. I do not have to worry!
I can remember the birds and the lilies.
I can remember the resurrection!
I can remember the Holy Spirit, my Comforter and Encourager.
“Ok, Lord. Let’s be crazy together. Help me be fierce and fearless. Full of faith and full of confidence…just like you.”

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