I love meeting my readers and their communities in real life!
My favorite sound in the world is the sound of women gathering. I’m so honored every time I get to be a part of facilitating those gatherings through sharing my story and what God’s teaching me.

Osheta, speaking at Woodland Hills Church in St. Paul, MN
Speaking Topics
If you’re interested in bringing me to your event, let me know what you have in mind. Here are some topic ideas, or we can dream up something else- event planning is my favorite.
The Shalom Sistas’ Manifesto
What does it mean to be a woman of peace? Is it patchouli and yoga? Is it being passive and timid? Using examples from Jesus’ ministry, we’ll unpack the Shalom Sistas’ Manifesto and help each woman find how she can be a part of a peacemaking movement that will change the world.
Raising Compassionate Kids
Not that my kids are all justice all the time, but I’ve spent a lot of time crafting what I call their, “living curriculum” based on Micah 6:8. It teaches them to be others’ centered and have open eyes for the needs around them while empowering them that God can do amazing things with little kids.
Big, Scary Changes or What to do when you’re told you need to evacuate your home…Stat!
Let’s face it! Life is full of changes and sometimes you don’t quite know how to respond when they happen. We had probably the biggest change ever when we lost everything when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. We survived it with lots of prayer, letting go of expectations, leaning into to community, and keeping a solid sense of humor.
Finding Your Tribe
So, you’re new to a church, community, city, or season of life and you’re feeling lonely. I get that, et’s help you find your tribe by identifying your passion, owning your identity in Christ, and inspiring self-confidence with practical next steps for making friends.
Public Housing Hospitality: If I Can Do It, So Can You
We’ll talk about life around the table, building community, and learning to love the authentic connection opportunities the space, season, situation you’re in right now.
Find Your City’s Shalom
Learn fun, practical ideas to discern your community’s specific needs, utilize your strengths and gifts, transform regular life stuff, like picking up the the bus stop, going grocery shopping, visiting the library, into opportunities to care for the poor in your community and in the world.
Post-Katrina Confessions of A Foolish Builder
Based on the parable of the foolish builder, I’ll cover some areas we’ve build our hope and lives on, and through our Katrina story show how God demolished each area in my life so that he could build something better, something beautiful, someone everlasting.
Please contact me to tell me more about your event and how I can help.
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