It’s FMF time again. Time to write for five minutes, unedited, for the love of words and encouragement.  This morning I posted an FB status that inspired today’s response to our prompt: True.  I hope you enjoy:  With Paint Stains on the Bum.


FB status:

Yes, yes I was awakened fifteen minutes before school by three ALREADY dressed kids! Then I threw on a pair of capris sweat pants with paint stains on the bum, re-twisted my funkified, slept on bun, and walked my kids to school looking like Death by Motherhood warmed over. But the shameful display of messiness didn’t end there y’all- I realized the kids did not have appropriate snacks!!!! So my mommy-zombie self is wandering Target  looking for Zbars…looking all types of tore up…. with paint stains on the bum (this CANNOT be stressed enough).

True story #1: My husband and I have been passing each other like ships in the night, so we stayed up way too late last night cleaning the kitchen, catching up, and watching TV.  We need to make connecting more of a priority. Or mama will oversleep and look a hot mess at Tar-jay.

True story #2:  Somehow those capris missed my fall purge, which means a: I rather like looking a hot mess at times, or b: I’m not as great at purging as I thought.  Either way, those capris are taking up space and to be quite honest, paint on the bum is not a good look for anyone, especially a curvy girl like me.

True story #3:  Grocery shopping has eluded me all week. I could blame the stomach virus that my kids passed to each other like mashed potatoes at dinnertime, but I won’t.  I will say, I could have planned better on one of the many emergency runs for ginger ale, saltines or acetaminophen.  I need to meal plan now that the kids are back to school because our poor school secretary has better things to do than deliver granola bars to my kids at the beginning of her day.

True story #4:  God’s grace is sufficient for me, his strength is made perfect when I am weak.  So, I’m gonna give myself some slack and give him big props and be glad that I’m not a perfect wife, mom, homemaker, pastor’s wife…anything!  I’m going to stretch my arms out wide and let the power of Christ rest on me.  Because, I’m letting this truth seep in y’all….grace wins!


And here is my morning as detailed in selfies after my five minutes were up.  Truth #5:  I am the WORSE selfie taker ever.  But it’s all good… his grace is sufficient for that too…and I think Apple may have an app for that.  Oh…that’s right…it’s called Instagram.


Hey, look! I finally found them. On the very bottom shelf near the pharmacy…what?!?!


Dear Jesus, Thank you for Zbars. The kids will be well nourished, the teachers will not give me the stink eye, and now I can go back to bed. Manna has nothing on chocolate chip Cliff’s organic Zbars. Yes, Lord and Hallelujer! Amen


Successful Zbar delivery. Snack Crisis Averted. Prepare yourself for True story #6: It’s not all that cold here. I’m wearing that ratty fleece in all these pics because underneath is a tiny tank…and nothing else. Ladies, do you catch my drift? I went the whole morning sans brassiere! This is my really real epic Friday fail.

Come and join this brave and brazen bunch of writers as we tell our really real true stories over at Lisa-Jo Baker’s FMF Link Up.

How’s your Friday?

Grace and Peace (and paint stains on the bum),
