I had to wait to share these with y’all because Tyson didn’t want me to share his picture until just this morning. It’s picture day at school and he came out IN LOVE with his outfit so when I asked if he’d reconsider letting me share his benediction binder, he said “sure mom!”
So, today I get to share with you our Benediction Binders! A new twist on our back to school benedictions.

As y’all know on the first day of school, I pray a personal benediction over each kid where I call out the good I’ve seen in them in the past year and bless them to share that goodness at school. For example, in the past, we’ve blessed one kid to be a bridge-builder because he’s my little peacemaker, or I’ve dubbed a kid affable and encouraged her to be kind at school because she does it so well at home. Well, this year, we did something different. We have had some disorganization at home with school papers AND the kids have been wanting to journal their feelings/ideas and then share them with me. So, I combined both desires into a Benediction Binder.
Inside are four parts divided by tabs:
Each binder’s cover represents their benediction that I wrote for them and put inside on the first day of school.

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