I’m linking up with one of my favorite communities, The Five Minute Friday Link Up at Lisa-Jo Baker’s site. No over-editing. No over-thinking.  We just write for five minutes for the pure joy of writing.  Awesomely liberating! Today’s word prompt was “After” Here’s my best five minutes. 
 I hope you like it.  

Standing in line at Starbucks, exhausted from dropping my husband off at the airport for a 6am flight and waiting for my tall iced Hazelnut Macchiato, I received a tweet.  A tweet that both changed my day and how I viewed this little blogging hobby.  A tweet that said, one of my favorite websites was running a vulnerable, raw, and cathartic post I wrote on forgiveness and enemy love.  A tweet that left me driving home in a daze, wondering, “in the aftermath of momentary success, what in the heck should I write next?”

After I put the kids to bed and made sure the doors were locked, the cat fed, and I had exactly $1 in coins to slip under not one but two pillows (not to be outdone by his sister who lost a tooth at school that day, my son mustered the courage to coax out a tooth of his own) I texted my husband, “this is cray-cray!

After convincing me in emoticons and ellipsis-ed messages that people actually reading my blog isn’t as cray-cray as I thought, I laid in my bed and tried to sleep.

Heart full of encouragement yet, mind void of ideas for the “next greatest post!”, I prayed.  In the aftermath of a day of surprising and humbling validation, I pleaded with Jesus to give me the words that would wow again, the thoughts that would tickle the funny bone and the images that would inspire. You know since, what I write now, after such exposure, is key!  Right? That’s what all the blogging big wigs say, keeping up with the momentum and all that.

A few ideas came and I’m excited to explore them here soon, but one strident and true reality stood clear and convicting from my after-hours begging brainstorming with God:

The only desire he has for me after a banner blog day is—to be a blogger after His own heart.

That’s it.

He desires to look after me as I process this post or that article. He wants to inspire me and give me courage to write again.  He will press into my heart the words that form sentences, and create paragraphs that bless.

After all, he’s the Logos, Word made flesh, Author of my faith, he spoke the world into existence and calmed a raging storm with three words, “peace, be still”—with such credentials, he knows a thing or two about harnessing the power of words, so I should just chill.  Close my eyes and go to sleep.  Tomorrow I’ll wake up, send the kiddies off to school, do some research on Jesus and food and kids and compassion for an upcoming post and just… be me.  Osheta. Jesus-follower. Wife. Mommy.  Blogger after God’s own heart.



Wanna join in the fun:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat on the prompt “After” with no editing, tweaking or self critiquing.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in {you can grab the button code in my blog’s footer}.
3. Go and tell the person who linked up before you what their words meant to you. Every writer longs to feel heard. (this is like the ONLY rule of FMF)