
Today, I had the honor of sharing my perspective on the “Duck Dynasty Drama” in a roundtable discussion on Rachel Held Evans blog. I’m truly humbled to share space with voices like, Britteny Cooper, Benjamin Moberg, and  Tamára Lunardo.    

Their words have made me a wiser and more compassionate Shalom Sistah.

Read more here on Rachel’s blog.

For more thoughts on racial reconciliation and peacemaking here are my favorite posts here on “Shalom in the City”:

For the days I don’t feel black enough

Sometimes, I wish I were white

Oh Honey, come here!  I think your privilege is showing.

A Scary Invitation

Affection is not necessarily reconciliation

And some thoughts on the urban/suburban divide

An Open Letter to my sisters in the suburbs

Tomorrow I’ll share my resources for my OneWord365: Taste.

Seeking His Peace,
