Today I’m excited to join my new friend, Heather Caliri the woman behind, “A Little Yes”, on a blog tour to share our writing process. I know you’re probably think, ‘Wait, Osheta you’re actually writing?’
Yes, yes, I know…it’s been quiet around here. So much life is happening and I’m keeping my words close to my heart right now. But, I think that season’s coming to a close or maybe the words are tired of bouncing around brain, either way, new posts are coming soon. Promise. In light of this, I’m so honored to be invited to share, it’s been helpful to think critically about my own process of writing and how to grow as a writer.
What am I working on?
Right now, I’m working on two posts. The first is an aftermath reflection of this whole World Vision drama from my neo-Anabaptist perspective. The second post is on church planting as that whole thing has taken an interesting turn. I’m also planning a 31 days series on everyday shalom because seriously…that word is loaded and feels overwhelming.
How does my work differ from others of its genre?
There aren’t very many neo/naked Anabaptist women bloggers of color. I think I write about shalom—harmony in relationship from the perspective as a black woman, married to a white man, seeking racial reconciliation. I was searching the internet a few years ago for women who process peacemaking, Christian non-violence, Kingdom of God over empire, womanhood that seeks for a third way, and economic injustice and didn’t find very many, so I thought maybe I should write about those things. I’m still learning, but pastors like Bruxy Cavey, Jonathan Martin, and Greg Boyd have shaped me and I wanted to create a space where I can write about my experiences with Anabaptist thought as a woman.
Why do I write what I do?
I love Jesus. I know, pat Sunday School answer…sorry! I have come to funnel everything I read in the Bible, about the Christian faith, in nature, through relationships, everything through the teachings of Jesus. This is what I gravitate towards Anabaptist thought. When began reading, “The Naked Anabaptist” by Stuart Murray, my heart came back home to Jesus. When the polarizing climate of much of evangelicalism overwhelmed me, I found such a center in thinking of my faith journey as one with Jesus, informed by his teachings, empowered by his spirit, and accomplishing his mission on this earth. All the other divisive stuff sort of fell by the wayside for me. I want to create a space for more women to meet Jesus this way.
How does your writing process work?
Oh good Lord, it’s a hot mess. Admittedly, I’m all over the place.
I’m trying to find my groove, but I have noticed I write best as coffee shops (ouch for our budget) and I write best after I listened to a sermon or audiobook. I find I write best when I “create a conversation” with the pastor/author as I’m listening to them preach/read. I take one point or idea they mention and sort of imagine myself talking it through with them. I’m a verbal processor too, so sometimes I sit my husband down and talk through my post with him, he’s a blogger too so he gets it. I usually know what I truly want to say after I’ve done these exercises.
I write best mid morning. I’ve tried the early morning and the late into the night writing sessions, they don’t work for me. While I crank out some fairly decent words, I’m not 100% for my family and unable to fully experience life, which we all know is the best placed for writing material. I’m hoping to start checking in with a fellow Story Session, story sister to keep me accountable to write daily and post twice a week for y’all so…stay tuned.
For the next stop, I’m sending you over to one of my story sisters, Vanessa Johnson. I love words and her heart. She’s smart and authentic. Please pop over to her space next Monday for the blog tour.
Vanessa Johnson is a engineer, writer, and artist. She worships with her family at St. Vincent DePaul Church, where she serves as a task force member, liturgy planner, and cake baker.She writes about religion, race, money, and everyday holiness at God’s Beautiful Mess
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