I’m at SheLoves writing about our #FromBostonToLA road-trip with a purpose.


For weeks, I’ve been researching these lovely shalom seekers and for weeks I’ve familiarized myself with the pain of their community. But I’m struggling because it doesn’t feel like enough. My family showing up with a box of donations does not feel like enough.

It feels small and insignificant and too many times I’ve prayed, “Jesus, I want to do more for them, give more to them. But I’m just a stay-at-home mama with big dreams for whole cities. What can my value-size pack of toothbrushes from BJ Wholesale really do? How can it make a difference?”

I think this is the paralyzing trap of scarcity we all fall into. When we look at the giant, foreboding machine of injustice, we feel small.

While there are so many big, annoying visionary wave-makers who start shoe companies and build community gardens, there are more of us: mamas in the middle, singles in the center, women with big hearts and average resources.

We’re tempted to feel small, so we think small. We scarcely think of the needy because we feel impotent to help. We buy into the lie that big problems require big solutions.

But maybe, big problems just need big faithfulness.

Read More and share your thoughts over at SheLoves.

Offering small hands to our big God,
